Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Great News!!!

This is my Facebook Status from yesterday, 11/12/12

It is with great joy that we share the news that we are once again expecting! Our newest blessing is due 7/20/13. Just 6 days before Stephanie was due. It may be a bit early to be sharing this news but the truth is, there is no point in which we feel "safe". We need your prayers for strength, during what is likely to be the most emotionally difficult pregnancy yet. It will take the grace of God, that sustained us through the loss of Stephanie, to carry us through this pregnancy. Please pray that I will rest in Him, the Giver of this life growing inside of my womb. If we should experience another loss, we would hope that our friends and family would be there to support us with kind words and prayers, just as you did when Stephanie died. With a FB friend base of 400+, we understand that there are many opinions on our choices in this area. If you are happy for us, great we are so thankful for your support. If you have suffered a recent loss, please know that we have agonized over sharing this news with you. We, in no way, want to add to your hurt. If you are concerned for us, we appreciate your concern, but we are adults and are capable of making PRAYERFUL decisions concerning what is best for our family. If we can believe it was God's will to allow Stephanie to die, and we do, we certainly believe that allowing us to conceive this blessing, at this time, is also His will. We answer to God, not our well meaning family and friends. Yes, it may have been "ideal" to wait a few more months, but my health has significantly improved since I was pregnant with Stephanie, physically, emotionally and spiritually.

Sharable details....We went away to Columbus for the Weekend to Remember Marriage Conference and came home with a "souvenir" ♥

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